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Data exploration, categorization and segmentation

In data analysis, we often have very large data (many observations), which are however similar to each other and we need to organize them into a few groups with similar observations within each group. For example, in the case of customer data, even though we may have data from millions of customers, these customers may belong to only a few segments: customers are similar within each segment but different from one segment to another. We may often want to analyze each segment separately because they may behave differently (for example, different market segments may have different product preferences and behavioral patterns). This training will present advanced analytical techniques to help businesses answer their questions.

Category: Tags: ,

This training allows participants to perform the data processing tasks, the exploration of important characteristics and the segmentations necessary to assist in decision making in a company. The objective of the training is to understand the use of advanced analytical techniques to enable businesses to meet their data mining needs.The training will provide knowledge on:

  • Continuous data manipulation
  • The necessity of data selection segmented
  • Classification of the information contained in the data.
  • Understanding pairwise visualizations.
  • Mastering exploration and segmentation techniques.
  • Choosing the appropriate method according to the nature of the data, and interpreting the results.
  • Robustness analyses.

The details

Fundamentals of segmentation and classification (cluster analysis)

  • The difference between standardization and localization.
  • The concept of distance in classification models.
  • Introduction of segmentation in business.

Preparation of data for segmentation models

  • Data selection for classification models.
  • Structure of data in classification models.
  • Scaling and transforming data for classification models

Reducing the number of variables

  • Factor analysis and principal component analysis.
  • A method of principal component analysis for reducing the number of variables in a model.
  • The choice of a distance measure

Creating a classification model

  • Build a classification model to segment retail stores.
  • View and validate your groups.
  • Interpret the results and communicate the inferences of the analysis.

The clients

This training is intended for all analysts and professionals seeking to acquire the necessary skills that will help them conduct or understand data mining and segmentation in your business.

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: Two days

Monday - Friday

1 (613) 720 3595


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Notre équipe vient du monde académique et de recherche, ainsi que des milieux professionnels comme le domaine financier, technologie de l’information, comptable et juridique.

Our Team

Our team comes from the academic and research world, and has professional backgrounds such as finance, information technology, accounting and legal.


Nos recherches s'articulent autour de l'analyse de données massives, l'intelligence artificielle (IA), l'innovation et la transformation organisationnelle, et plus.


Our research interests range from massive data analysis, innovation and organizational transformation, and much more.


Cette formation aide les participants à maîtriser les outils essentiels à la gestion des activités et des performances organisationnelles.


This training help participants master tools that are essential for managing activities and organizational performance.


Ces formations sont conçues pour aider les professionnels à mieux maîtriser les normes relatives à la conception, la planification, et la gestion de projets.


These courses are designed to help professional to better understand and master standards relative to design, manage, and evaluate projects of all types.


Ces formations visent à développer les compétences nécessaires pour utiliser des outils et des techniques de gestion de l'incertitude et des risques.


These training courses are designed to develop the skills that are needed to use tools and techniques in uncertainty and risk management.


Epsilon Eco se propose de vous aider à l'établissement des comptes, les services comptables et les conseils en droits des affaires et en droit du travail.


Epsilon Eco offers assistance with the preparation of accounts, accounting services and advice on business and employment law.


Nos formations d'audit interne et de contrôle permettent aux participants de maîtriser les concepts, les outils et les techniques pour mener des audits internes et atteindre les objectifs attendus.


Our internal audit and controls courses permit participants to master the concepts, tools, and techniques for conducting internal audits effective to achieve the expected objectives.


Nos formations en analyse de données sont conçues pour répondre spécifiquement aux besoins de votre entreprise dans un environnement en constante évolution.


Our trainings in data analytics and artificial intelligence are designed to address your business need specifically in an environment of constant change.


Les activités de formation et de perfectionnement offertes par Epsilon Eco sont articulées autour de plusieurs thématiques et sujets de l'heure.


Training and development activities offered by Epsilon Eco are structured around several themes and currents topics.


La maîtrise du coût, du délai et de la qualité dans un environnement incertain sont les expertises que Epsilon Eco met à votre disposition pour vous aider à gérer les projets.


Managing cost, time and quality in an uncertain environment are the expertise that Epsilon Eco offers to help you manage projects.


Nos analyses et diagnostics des risques stratégiques, opérationnels et de conformité permettent de déceler et gérer les événements qui pourraient avoir une incidence sur les objectifs organisationnels.


Our analyzes and diagnoses of strategic, operational and compliance risks help manage events that could have an impact on your organizational objectives.


De la déclaration à l’optimisation fiscales, nos experts et professionnels vous aident à structurer et à prendre des décisions conformes aux réglementations et aux changements législatifs.


From tax reporting to optimization, our tax experts use their knowledge to provide advice on tax issues that comply with regulations and legislative changes.


Alliant expertise en technologie de l’information et en analyse d’affaires, Epsilon Eco vous aide à identifier les défaillances dans votre modèle d’affaires qui pourraient miner la performance organisationnelles.


Combining our expertise in information technology and business analysis, Epsilon Eco helps you identify limitations in your business model that could undermine your organization performance.


Epsilon Eco vous aide à améliorer l’efficience et l’efficacité de vos processus de gouvernance, de gestion des risques et du contrôle interne grâce à l’expertise de son équipe multidisciplinaire.


Using the expertise of our multidisciplinary team, we help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your governance, risk management and internal control processes of your organization.


Epsilon Eco se propose de vous accompagner par ses services adaptés et sur-mesure d’externalisation, de révision et d’audit afin que vous puissiez consacrer votre temps à la gestion de vos activités.


With a personalized service, Epsilon Eco proposes outsourcing, review and audit services that help you free-up your time to manage your activities.

Technologie (TI)

De la conception à l’infonuagique en passant par la développement des applications, nos experts vous aident à structurer et à transformer votre environnement TI par la mise en œuvre des solutions innovantes.

Technology (IT)

From design to cloud computing and applications development, our experts aid in structuring and transforming your IT environment by implementing innovative solutions.

Analyse de données

Epsilon Eco propose de vous aider à utiliser les analyses de données, la gestion des risques, et les modélisations pour améliorer ou appuyer vos décisions.

Data Analytics

Epsilon Eco offers data analytics, and modeling services that help improve or support your decisions.

Data Analytics

Epsilon Eco offers data analytics, and modeling services that help improve or support your decisions.

Our Mission

Epsilon Eco propose de vous aider à utiliser les analyses de données, la gestion des risques, et les modélisations pour améliorer ou appuyer vos décisions.

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